Cheetah is a mammal of the family of cats, and is one of the most beautiful animals in the world. The cheetah is distinguished by its graceful and sculpted body and its soft and uniform fur of yellow, brown and black colors, with sometimes white or black spots.The cheetah lives in tropical forests, deserts, and grasslands in Africa and Asia. It is a nocturnal animal and waits for prey patiently and intelligently so that it can attack it at breakneck speed. The cheetah can run at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour.The cheetah feeds mainly on small animals such as rabbits, mice, birds and reptiles, and it can also hunt larger animals such as gazelles and antelopes. The cheetah has a high ability to see, hear and smell, which helps it to survive and preserve its offspring.Families of cheetahs consist of females and their young, and they are called "seven lions". The male cheetah is distinguished by living alone, and does not raise the young, as it leaves this task entirely to the female. Although the cheetah can sometimes pose a threat to humans, it is an important part of the ecosystem and deserves protection and respect.The leopard has a special place in culture and history, as its luxurious fur was used to make clothing and furniture in ancient times